This is a picture from dinner this evening. Starting on the left we have Emily, me, Paul, Vince and Carrie. Vince is a visitor and we were going out for dinner as a farewell. It was nice to get off base and see a bit of different scenery.
Here is another picture, not of me, but it was an interesting PNG shot. We were riding behind this truck as we went to the airport one day. I believe it is a picture of the election ballots coming in. I like the security with the man riding on top of the ballot boxes.
Here is my good friend Joanie getting her cut. Anyway, we were actually done by 11 am but we planned to stay out there for lunch and so waited an hour and a half reading and visiting. We had lunch, visited with the students that were at the ITF center and then headed back home just before 2. I think we made it home by 2:30! I guess you could say that my haircut appointment was from 8:20 am to 2:30 pm. Everything takes a bit longer here.
A couple scenes from the airport