Happy Birthday Emily!!!
So Emily (and her roommate Andrea) love to dress up,
make fools of themselves and make everyone else join them.
(okay, so it wasn't as bad as I am making it sound.
we actually had a lot of fun, even if we looked ridiculous.)

The Three Witches: I was Glenda, the good witch,
Emily was the Wicked Witch of the East
and Andrea was the Wicked Witch of the West.
Anna as the Apple Tree - she even threw her apples like the mean one in the story.
Moses came as one of the Flying Monkeys - quiet but scary!

Erika was one of the Yellow Brick Roads and Joanie was the Scarecrow!

Paul was the Wizard of Oz - always saying something about the man behind the curtain.

And here we are. the great group of characters from the Wizard of Oz.

A most memorable evening. Hope you had a great time Emily!