One of the extra fun things that is included in my life at our school base is that I get to see the students in many areas of their lives. Last Wednesday night there was a grade 7-12 sleep over in the teen lounge. It was pretty fun for me since many of those girls were ones I have taught over the years. It is great to see them growing up.
Now I am not sure why it is called a sleep over since no one really wanted to sleep. We started at 9:30 pm,but really it wasn't until 10 pm that all the girls arrived. We watched 2 movies

with a bit of a toilet problem in between the two movies, but all in all it was fun. The last movie ended at 2:15 and most of the girls were ready to turn in. There were a few wide awake girls that weren't too excited that I told them that it was time to quite down. Anyway, most everyone was asleep around 3 am.
The girls seemed to be able to sleep in a little bit but I was up by 6 am. So I left at 6:30 and started my day. I was a bit in a daze for the first couple hours of my day, but eventually I was back on track.
This was a good evening of memories.