Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas Day Memories

I have not been very good at blogging these days, but once I did one, then I wanted to do more. So I think I will go back and share a bit about Christmas. This year I was able to do my traditional PNG Christmas activities. I went down to Bowers for breakfast and presents on Christmas morning. We had a great time reading the Christmas story and opening gifts. There was a little time between when we finished with gifts and our planned dinner. So I ran home and called my family. Thankfully we had a good connection.

Our dinner was full of friends, food and fun. This year there were the Bowers (5), Askews (5), Martens (2), Paul, Burlesons (6) and me. We didn't get a group picture, which we are kicking ourselves about, but we had fun. We had enough food for a couple Christmas dinners....
After we ate went took a little walk to sing Happy Birhtday to a neighbor. Yes, her birthday is Christmas Day...
After that it was time for the Christmas story. The kids moved the nativity scene pieces as Dana read. All the rest of us stopped him if we had a Christmas carol to sing that went along with that part of the story.
Finally it was time for pie and then an afternoon and evening of games and movies.


Janet said...

I enjoyed viewing these Christmas pictures! Joanie's red everyday Coca Cola decorations fit right in for Christmas. Looks like a great time with your family there.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting again! It's fun to see your pictures!