Tuesday, August 7, 2007

First Day of School

Today we started school at Numonohi Christian Academy. We started two weeks late but we started none the less. I am back in the classroom after two years of administration. I love being in the classroom so that isn't a hardship. I am teaching grades 3 and 4 which is a bit different than teaching grades 5 and 6. So I am learning right along with the students. I am still the elementary principal, which has been juggling act. I am missing 5 students for various reasons (hopefully they will arrive soon) and have one visitor. We had a great day and I am looking forward to going back tomorrow. I hope the kids are too.

Here we are...

This is my view all day....

Just sitting there all ready to learn....

Oh how studious they are...


Janet said...

What a light, pleasant-looking classroom you have! The students look so happy and ready to learn. I'm sure they and their parents will soon learn how blessed they are to have you for their teacher!

Linz said...

How fun that we get to SEE your first day of school. It looks like it went great. I hope the year is full of great days for you and your class!