Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Rachel's Birthday

The very loud, silly kindergartners. Happy Birthday, Rachel!
Pin the tail on the pony.
Kristen organized a scavenger hunt.
Rachel and me with her pony pillow.
Kristen had planned a craft for the girls and they all had a good time decorating with foam shapes.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Nothin' Like a Group Picture

This is our Numonohi Christian Academy Elementary Division photo. Those are a lot of kids to get organized and make smile - at the beginning of their recess, but it was fun.


Rarely do I get to carve pumpkins anymore. Something about growing up and not having kids, but this year neither of those things hindered my friend Joanie and me from getting into the spirit of thing.
Don't be scared, those are PNG pumpkins. They aren't orange on the outside, but they smell like pumpkins, taste like pumpkins and act like pumpkins - especially when being carved.
On Halloween night I made sugar cookies with some friends. Here are Cara and Katie frosting cookies.
Nathan and Andrew frosting cookies.
And Andrew, Carmen, Cara and Katie all frosting cookies. Kyle and Michael joined in on the cookie making, but alluded pictures, somehow.