Saturday, December 29, 2007

Class Christmas Party

A few moms organized the party for me and made an extra special day for the kids. They started the party by decorating Christmas sugar cookies.
Then we had our gift exchange...
Each of the kids got to paint their own ornament and then were sent home with a frame ornament with their very own picture in it.
After that is was time for food!! There was an amazing amount of food and the even more amazing part was that there was not much left at the end. I heard many families say that their kids didn't eat lunch that day.

At the end we watched Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown. All in all it was the best Christmas party held in Miss Posenjak's class, thanks to the moms that came in and organized it. What a great job they did!!!

1 comment:

Janet said...

Oh, I'm so glad you finally posted something different!!
What a great idea to have the moms put on the party when you were so swamped with other responsibilities! Great pictures!!